Because the church is one GENERATION away from EXTINCTION or one GENERATION away from REVIVAL. Youth Ministry really, REALLY matters!
Because the church is one GENERATION away from EXTINCTION or one GENERATION away from REVIVAL. Youth Ministry really, REALLY matters!
We are one generation away from extinction in our churches, many have already arrived at this destination! BUT we are also one generation away from revival!
This is generation is different to any other, they are being raised as an anti-bible, unchurched generation, where truth, morality and most importantly God are all being sidelined. The culture is pervasive, dismissive, and ungodly, producing lost, broken, hurting, and confused teenagers.
We must find a way to reach this generation with the gospel. The good news is there is always a way and Jesus is more passionate about this generation than we could ever be.
Further good news: stats show that people who give their hearts to Jesus in their teenage years are more likely to follow that commitment throughout their lives than in any other stage of life.
The average career of a youth pastor is 6 months to 2 years… Hardly enough time to learn, never mind lead a thriving youth ministry
Most leave youth ministry using words like “too hard, too lonely, not enough support, not sure I’m meant to be doing this, I’m disappointed, disillusioned, I don’t have what it takes…”
The role of a youth pastor is no small task… They are running a mini-church service for teenagers (the “hardest” age group of people to lead), while their “staff” are made up of volunteers who are barely out of school, with little to no budget, training, or expertise
Unfortunately, the numbers stack against them…odds are, unless something changes, they won’t make it for much longer than a year or two.
Far too many Youth Pastors quit prematurely.
At YPC we are passionate about the Youth Pastor; their potential, influence and calling. If we can help them realise their full potential, stay the course and serve their generation, we can win a generation for Jesus.
YPC has put together a programme that will best serve your youth pastor to fulfil his/her God-given calling to shepherd this next generation. YPC is a mentorship, discipleship programme that allows your youth pastor to be coached through the complexity and challenges they will undoubtedly face in their ministry.
We are one generation away from extinction in our churches, many have already arrived at this destination! BUT we are also one generation away from revival!
This is generation is different to any other, they are being raised as an anti-bible, unchurched generation, where truth, morality and most importantly God are all being sidelined. The culture is pervasive, dismissive, and ungodly, producing lost, broken, hurting, and confused teenagers.
We must find a way to reach this generation with the gospel. The good news is there is always a way and Jesus is more passionate about this generation than we could ever be.
Further good news: stats show that people who give their hearts to Jesus in their teenage years are more likely to follow that commitment throughout their lives than in any other stage of life.
The average career of a youth pastor is 6 months to 2 years… Hardly enough time to learn, never mind lead a thriving youth ministry
Most leave youth ministry using words like “too hard, too lonely, not enough support, not sure I’m meant to be doing this, I’m disappointed, disillusioned, I don’t have what it takes…”
The role of a youth pastor is no small task… They are running a mini-church service for teenagers (the “hardest” age group of people to lead), while their “staff” are made up of volunteers who are barely out of school, with little to no budget, training, or expertise
Unfortunately, the numbers stack against them…odds are, unless something changes, they won’t make it for much longer than a year or two.
Far too many Youth Pastors quit prematurely.
At YPC we are passionate about the Youth Pastor; their potential, influence and calling. If we can help them realise their full potential, stay the course and serve their generation, we can win a generation for Jesus.
YPC has put together a programme that will best serve your youth pastor to fulfil his/her God-given calling to shepherd this next generation. YPC is a mentorship, discipleship programme that allows your youth pastor to be coached through the complexity and challenges they will undoubtedly face in their ministry.
The End game speaks of a youth ministry we all see in our hearts. One that pleases God, that sees a generation seeking Jesus and one that produces much Kingdom fruit.
Over the last 2 decades of serving youth ministry, we have seen significant fruit produced through healthy thriving youth ministries; namely faithful followers, vibrant families and a future hope.
Our passion at YPC is to help develop a youth ministry that sees this work in your church.
Youth ministry will not always be EASY, but we do believe there can be an E.A.S.E. to it.
YPC uses the E.A.S.E. Model to help coach and mentor Youth Pastors; Encouragement, Accountability, Strategy, Equipping.
No one is harder to lead than ourselves. And nothing quite like a coach to keep us on target. YPC helps the youth pastor create a clear strategy and helps them keep accountable to these goals. It’s not the sweeping large changes that necessarily win the game, but rather every day, unseen, sacrificial, consistent habits that bring monumental change in our lives.
We help churches and youth pastor craft a clear strategy for their youth ministry. What is important? How can that be achieved? What are small attainable targets that also us to win the big battle. We help with setting the right systems and structures that bring clarity and momentum to the ministry.
YPC has two ways in which we equip the youth pastor and the youth ministry. Firstly our 10 hour a month coaching program builds leadership development both spiritually a practically (please see “The Programme” and “Personal Development Areas”). On top of that we provide resources, which is made up of sermon series, creative content, social media posts and small group material.
Your Youth Pastor gets 10 hours of highly intentional, specifically crafted content and coaching from the YPC team each month. As seen below the 10 hours are divided into a variety of dynamic sessions that allow us to best develop a healthy youth pastor which in turn builds a thriving youth ministry. Some of this training will happen in person (one-on-one or in a group) and other times will be online or over what we call “pocket coaching.”
1. Spiritual Growth
2. Self-Leadership
3. Team Training
4. Youth Ministry
These four areas allow us to give a holistic approach to growth. The first two; spiritual growth and self-leadership are an internal, introspective journey where we spend time developing the youth pastor. The team training and youth ministry element look much more at how to build volunteer teams and great Friday night. We also spend a good portion of time looking at building a great Monday-to-Friday program that allows our Friday program to be the fruit of the week’s work rather than the goal of the week’s work. See some of our topics covered below:
YPC content includes Preaching Outlines, Sermon Graphics, Social Media Graphics, Small Group Discussion Questions, Parents Notes. We want to provide you with helpful, engaging, well thought out content that enables you to reach a generation with some of the most important topics of their time. This content is local, relevant, dynamic, and easy to follow. With new content being added throughout the year.
With 12 Years of experience as a youth pastor and a further 7 years as the elder oversight of the youth ministry at Open Skies Church, Colin has lived and breathed a passion for youth ministry for nearly two decades.
Further to this Colin is the founder and director of Trulife (trulife.org.za) an NPO which was established in 2011 with a focus on youth and school’s programs. The NPO has reached over 100 000 teenagers in well over 300 schools across RSA and abroad. His passion to help learners make “Brave Choices = Better Futures” is what has fueled the last 12 years of creative innovation and life changing content.
Colin is the co-founder of Ignite Conference (established in 2016), a youth and young adult conference that has seen 1000’s of teenagers gather from across KZN. The goal was clear, ignite a passion for Jesus in the next generation. Many, many lives were impacted through the Ignite movement.
Colin also led the Year of Your Life program, a one year, live in program, where students attend from all over the world. Leading over 100 students over a five-year period allowed for a hands-on discipleship. The program entailed multiple mission trips to China, India, Uganda, Mozambique, and Lesotho adding up too over a year spent on international mission trips.
Colin spent the last 4 years as an elder and teaching pastor at Open Skies Church in Durban, South Africa. He has since stepped down from his full-time position while continuing to oversight Trulife. Colin is now the founder of the Protege Project and YPC.
Co Founder
Antonia has spent the last 10 years in multiple roles in ministry. She initially spent 5 years in the NPO space, serving and discipling 1000’s of teenagers across KZN. She then took up a role as the Kids Church Pastor at Open Skies, where she has served for the past five years. Alongside her husband, she spent 7 years leading the youth ministry at Open Skies Church. The last 4 years she has been an associate pastor and elder at Open Skies Church.
While working for Trulife and Open Skies Church, Antonia completed her LLB degree through Unisa. She furthered her studies by becoming an accredited mediator and has since established her own family mediation practice. In addition to this she has become a qualified lay councilor, which she attained through the wholeness course at Grace Family Church.
Antonia has since stepped down from her role at Open Skies and is serving alongside her husband in Protege Project and YPC.
All mentorship connections (face to face, phone) are one on one. And all our training, leadership development and prayer times are group based. We feel learning together is very helpful. Our groups are around 12 in size.
Our current base is in KZN, South Africa. However, we are in the process of looking at other cities.
You can still be a part of the program, most of your engagement will be online.
We think once you become a part of the YPC family you will want to stay forever 😉 However we would encourage you to sign up for the first 6 months and see if you feel it adds the right value to you and your ministry.
Yip. The program doesn’t run Jan – December or follow any step-by-step process. You can jump in whenever.
We would love to help you “convince” your leadership team of the value of YPC. The best way is to set up a meeting for us to come and present to your leadership team.
Yes, you can. This is program is for full time, part time or volunteer pastors.
10 Hours per month
Thank you so much for considering partnering with our youth pastor sponsorship programme. There are few more important things than reaching the next generation for Jesus. And there are few better ways to do that than through a youth pastor. In partnering with us, you enable YPC to come alongside Youth Pastors to coach, train, equip and ultimately help youth ministries be healthy and thriving. Our goal is to help youth pastors maximize the God given gift they have and to see them shepherd the next generation with ease and grace.
Talk with one of our team members
When building a thriving ministry, we must keep in mind the great commission given by Jesus “Go to EVERYONE and make DISCIPLES” (paraphrased). In other words, a thriving youth ministry is both DEEP and WIDE. It is a ministry that has a focus on Evangelism and Discipleship. We want our Friday night programmes to be so compelling and attractive to the lost that many come to salvation. We also want our youth ministry to be a place of great spiritual transformation. Where teenagers are more than believers…they are FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS of Jesus and His Kingdom. A safe haven where our leaders are encouraging these young men and women to continue to grow deeper and closer in their relationship with God. These youth ministries will become catalysts for life-changing, Kingdom-shaping destinies that stir moves of revival.
The countless times we have heard this statement made by parents “We go to church where my teenager feels like they belong, and their faith is growing”
In other words, you build a thriving youth ministry – families will follow. Nothing is more important to parents than their children developing a personal relationship with Jesus. You will not just see numerical growth in your youth ministry, but growth in families, finances, and the future of your church.
We often get asked “Where did you find your youth pastor? Or your campus pastor? Or Worship Leader” Friend, we found them in our youth ministry 10 to 15 years ago. Building a healthy thriving youth ministry allows many young people to answer the call to full time ministry. They then can grow while serving in their respective ministries.
So not only do we see churches flourishing 10 to 15 years later, after having a fruitful youth ministry but we see many stick up their hand to full time ministry or go into the marketplace full of Gods mark and purpose over their lives.